Wave energy

Renewable Green Energy Sources

hen dealing with Renewable Energy Sources everybody understands that we are talking about Green Energy Sources, the type of energy sources that are friendly to the environment and contribute to the quality of life we all want to enjoy. Renewable Sources: are the sources that are naturally replenished and, at the least for the time being, cannot be exhausted. ‘’Naturally’’ is the key here and this is the reason they cannot be exhausted.
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Choosing the location of a Wave Energy Converter

After reading the recent article Introduction to Wave Energy Converters one question which comes to mind is: How do you choose the location of a Wave Energy Converter, WEC? What are the factors which should be taken into consideration when choosing the WEC location?.
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Introduction to Wave Energy

As stated in an earlier post, wave energy is one of the two renewable energy sources which belong to the Ocean subcategory of the more general hydro energy renewable sources. Wave energy is the energy carried by the waves on the surface of the ocean or sea, which can be captured and be used for the production of electricity.
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Wave Energy Explained: The Future of Renewable Power

Discover the potential of wave energy with expert insights and data. Uncover how this renewable power source is transforming the future of clean energy today.
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Wave Energy Pros and Cons

Wave energy is a promising Renewable Energy Source, RES, and it is one of the two sources of Ocean Energy. A quick way to understand Wave energy is to go through the wave energy pros and cons so that we will get an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of wave energy and be able to appreciate this RES.
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Introduction to Wave Energy Converters, WECs

Wave Energy, as the name implies, is the energy of the waves, captured and converted into useful energy. Wave energy conversion is done with the aid of Wave Energy Converters, WECs. There are different types of Wave Energy Converters and these are used accordingly based on the requirements, location and magnitude of the specific project.
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Wave Energy Facts

Wave energy is one of the five sources of renewable energy. Wave energy is the energy carried by the waves of the sea or oceans, caused by the winds blowing over the oceans and when captured can be converted into useful, clean and green electricity.
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